Радиоэкологические проблемы в ядерной энергетике и при конверсии производства [Текст] : реф.докл. / Обнин.симпоз. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1993. - 310 с. - ^aБиблиогр.в конце отд.ст. - Б. ц.
Перевод заглавия: ^aModern radiation and ecological problems. Ecological chemistry, radiochemistry and geochemistry. Ecological monitoring, methods of analysis, devices and control systems. Mathematical models in ecology. Radiation doses and health of population. Agriculture radioecology. Meteorology and forcast of contamination propagation

   Перевод заглавия: ^aModern radiation and ecological problems. Ecological chemistry, radiochemistry and geochemistry. Ecological monitoring, methods of analysis, devices and control systems. Mathematical models in ecology. Radiation doses and health of population. Agriculture radioecology. Meteorology and forcast of contamination propagation
Рубрики: <Атомная> <энергетика><Съезды> и <конференции>

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